To ensure the continuity of your healthcare, TOC to Doc was designed to cater to any health concerns with utmost expertise and privacy. Given the nature of the service, consultations will be based solely on the facts given by the patient. Variation of factual information and the lack of physical examination may result in a modified medical opinion. 

How It Works

You can request for a consultation by clicking the link “ASK A DOCTOR” here on our app/website or by calling the CGHMC trunkline (02)8711-4141.

Phone Inquiry

If you request for a consultation with a doctor, your call will be transferred to the TeleConsultation Service Operator, who will note your details and contact information. If you already have a CGH doctor, then the operator shall contact your doctor to set and appointment. You will be notified of the TeleConsultation appointment schedule via the contact information you provided.

If you have no previous CGH doctor, then you will be decked to a volunteer TeleConsultant according to the specialty you need (IM, OB-gyne, Pedia, Surgery, Ophtha, Derma). You will be notified of the TeleConsultation appointment schedule via the contact information you provided.

Mobile App/Website Inquiry

After going through a registration and verification process, you can send a message to through the mobile app or website, regarding your inquiry or concern. If you already have a CGH doctor, then the TeleConsultation Service Operator shall contact your doctor to set and appointment. You will be notified of the TeleConsultation appointment schedule via the contact information you provided.

If you have no previous CGH doctor, then you will be decked to a volunteer TeleConsultant according to the specialty you need (IM, OB-gyne, Pedia, Surgery, Ophtha, Derma). You will be notified of the TeleConsultation appointment schedule via the contact information you provided.

On the scheduled appointment, TeleConsultation can be done via phone call or by email. Depending on your consultation, you may or may not receive an e-Prescription via email.

To ensure the continuity of your healthcare, TOC to Doc was designed to cater to any health concerns with utmost expertise and privacy. Given the nature of the service, consultations will be based solely on the facts given by the patient. Variation of factual information and the lack of physical examination may result in a modified medical opinion. 

How It Works

You can request for a consultation by clicking the link “ASK A DOCTOR” here on our app/website or by calling the CGHMC trunkline (02)8711-4141.

Phone Inquiry

If you request for a consultation with a doctor, your call will be transferred to the TeleConsultation Service Operator, who will note your details and contact information. If you already have a CGH doctor, then the operator shall contact your doctor to set and appointment. You will be notified of the TeleConsultation appointment schedule via the contact information you provided.

If you have no previous CGH doctor, then you will be decked to a volunteer TeleConsultant according to the specialty you need (IM, OB-gyne, Pedia, Surgery, Ophtha, Derma). You will be notified of the TeleConsultation appointment schedule via the contact information you provided.

Mobile App/Website Inquiry

After going through a registration and verification process, you can send a message to through the mobile app or website, regarding your inquiry or concern. If you already have a CGH doctor, then the TeleConsultation Service Operator shall contact your doctor to set and appointment. You will be notified of the TeleConsultation appointment schedule via the contact information you provided.

If you have no previous CGH doctor, then you will be decked to a volunteer TeleConsultant according to the specialty you need (IM, OB-gyne, Pedia, Surgery, Ophtha, Derma). You will be notified of the TeleConsultation appointment schedule via the contact information you provided.

On the scheduled appointment, TeleConsultation can be done via phone call or by email. Depending on your consultation, you may or may not receive an e-Prescription via email.